这意味着该数组有六个元素,那么 –
第2步 – 直接打印存储在其中的元素。
// Go program to print an array directly
package main
// fmt package allows us to print formatted strings
import "fmt"
func main() {
// Declaration of array elements using the shorthand method
arr := [7]string{"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}
fmt.Println("Elements of the array:")
// Directly printing the array
Elements of the array:
[Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday]
第1步 – 声明一个数组’arr’,其中存储了一些元素。
第2步 – 创建一个从0开始的for循环,因为数组的索引从0开始,第一个元素在第0个位置。我们运行它直到索引’i’的值小于数组’arr’的长度。数组的长度可以通过’len’函数来确定。
第3步 – 打印数组元素。
// Go program to print an array using for loop
package main
// fmt package allows us to print formatted strings
import "fmt"
func main() {
// Declaration of array elements using the shorthand method
arr := [7]string{"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}
// Accessing the values of the array using for loop
fmt.Println("Elements of Array:")
for i := 0; i < len(arr); i++ {
// printing the days of the week
fmt.Printf("Day %d is %s.\n", i+1, arr[i])
Elements of Array:
Day 1 is Monday.
Day 2 is Tuesday.
Day 3 is Wednesday.
Day 4 is Thursday.
Day 5 is Friday.
Day 6 is Saturday.
Day 7 is Sunday.
fmt.Printf("Day %d is %s.\n", i+1, arr[i])
– 我们正在打印arr[i],因为’i’的值随着for循环不断地增加。它将从arr[0]开始,即星期一,然后是arr[1],即星期二,并将继续增加和打印,直到最后达到arr[6],即星期日。这是关于使用两种方法打印数组中的元素。后一种方法是在for循环的帮助下打印,与直接打印相比要好得多,因为在这种方法中可以很容易地访问每个元素。