大写字母 – 65至90
小写字母 – 97至122
Func isLetter(r rune) bool
第2步 – 在字符串上运行一个for循环。
第3步 – 开始一个if条件,并在if条件中调用IsLetter()函数。
第4步 – 打印相应的结果。
package main
import (
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
// unicode function is providing isLetter function
func main() {
// declaring and initializing the variable using the shorthand method in Golang
characters := "A&j()K"
fmt.Println("Golang program to check the character is an alphabet or not using IsLetter() function present in the Unicode library.")
// running a for loop to check each character in the string is alphabet or not
for i := 0; i < len(characters); i++ {
// calling the Isletter() function and printing the result on the basis
// of return value of the function
if unicode.IsLetter(rune(characters[i])) {
fmt.Printf("%c is a character.\n", characters[i])
} else {
fmt.Printf("%c is not a character.\n", characters[i])
% go run tutorialpoint.go
Golang program to check whether the character is an alphabet or not using the IsLetter() function present in the Unicode library.
A is a character.
& is not a character.
j is a character.
( is not a character.
) is not a character.
K is a character.
if (characters[i] >= 65 && characters[i] <= 90) || (characters[i] >= 97 && characters[i] <= 122) { }
第2步 – 在字符串上运行一个for循环。
第3步 – 启动一个if条件,比较当前索引字符的ASCII值是否在65和90或97和122之间。
第4步 – 打印相应的结果。
package main
import (
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
func main() {
// declaring and initializing the variable using the shorthand method in Golang
characters := "A&j()K"
fmt.Println("Golang program to check whether the character is an alphabet or not using the concept of ASCII values.")
// running a for loop to check if each character in the string is alphabet or not
for i := 0; i < len(characters); i++ {
// checking that the ASCII value of the character is in between the range
// of uppercase or lowercase characters or not
if (characters[i] >= 65 && characters[i] <= 90) || (characters[i] >= 97 && characters[i] <= 122) {
fmt.Printf("%c is a character.\n", characters[i])
} else {
fmt.Printf("%c is not a character.\n", characters[i])
% go run tutorialpoint.go
Golang program to check whether the character is an alphabet or not using the concept of ASCII values.
A is a character.
& is not a character.
j is a character.
( is not a character.
) is not a character.
K is a character.