func functionName(argumentName1 argumentType, argumentName2 argumentType, …) (returnType1, returnType2, …) {
return returnValue1, returnValue2, …
第1步 – 启动main()函数。
第2步 – 调用带有参数和返回值的函数,并将其值存储在各自的变量中。
第3步 – 声明函数,在函数主体中写出逻辑,并在最后返回值。
第4步 – 对函数返回的值进行必要的操作。
package main
import (
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
// declaring a function with argument and with return value
func sumOfTwoNumbers(number1, number2 int) int {
// returning the sum
return number1 + number2
func main() {
// declaring the variables
var number1, number2, sumOfNumbers int
// initializing the variables
number1 = 21
number2 = 32
fmt.Println("Golang program to learn how to create a function with argument and with the return value.")
fmt.Println("Finding sum of two numbers.")
// calling the function by passing both the numbers as an argument and storing the value return by function in a variable
sumOfNumbers = sumOfTwoNumbers(number1, number2)
// printing the result
fmt.Printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d. \n", number1, number2, sumOfNumbers)
Golang program to learn how to create a function with argument and with the return value.
Finding the sum of two numbers.
The Sum of 21 and 32 is 53.
package main
import (
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
// declaring function with argument and with return value
func AreaOfCircle(radius float32) float32 {
// returning the area of the circle
return (22 / 7.0) * radius * radius
func main() {
// declaring the variable
var radius, areaOfCircle float32
// initializing the variable
radius = 3.5
fmt.Println("Golang program to learn how to create a function with argument and with the return value.")
fmt.Println("Finding the area of the circle.")
// calling the function by passing radius as argument and storing the value area return by function in a variable
areaOfCircle = AreaOfCircle(radius)
// printing the result
fmt.Printf("The area of the circle with radius %f cm is %f cm^2. \n", radius, areaOfCircle)
Golang program to learn how to create a function with argument and with return value.
Finding the area of the circle.
The area of the circle with radius 3.500000 cm is 38.500000 cm^2.