Golang程序 检查三个布尔变量中的两个是否为真


在本教程中,我们将在Golang中三个布尔变量中的两个是真还是假。因为只有三个变量,所以可以用 if else 条件语句来检查。

使用 if 、 elsei f和 else 条件语句进行检查。


第1步 – 声明布尔变量,在后面进行比较。

第2步 – 用各自的值初始化变量。

第3步 – 使用 if elseif 和 else 梯子比较变量。



package main

// fmt package provides the function to print anything
import (

func main() {
   // declaring the three variables that
   // we have see are true or not
   var numberOne, numberTwo, numberThree bool

   // initializing the variables
   numberOne = true
   numberTwo = false
   numberThree = true
   fmt.Println("Number one =",numberOne,"nNumber Two =",numberTwo,"nNumber Three=",numberThree)

   // using the if else if ladder we are checking all three
   // possibilities where two variables can be true if not
   // then we are having else condition to handle that
   if numberOne == true && numberTwo == true && numberThree == false {
      fmt.Println("Two of three variables are true.")
   } else if numberOne == true && numberTwo == false && numberThree == true {
      fmt.Println("Two of three variables are true.")
   } else if numberOne == false && numberTwo == true && numberThree == true {
      fmt.Println("Two of three variables are true.")
   } else {
      fmt.Println("Two of three variables are not true.")


Number one = true
Number Two = false
Number Three = true
Two of three variables are true.



第1步 – 声明布尔变量,将在后面进行比较。

第2步 – 用各自的值初始化变量。

第3步 – 使用if条件对变量进行比较。



package main

// fmt package provides the function to print anything
import (

func main() {
   // declaring the three variables that
   // we have see are true or not
   var numberOne, numberTwo, numberThree bool

   // declaring and initializing the count variable which will
   // store the count of the variables that are true
   var count int
   count = 0

   // initializing the variables
   numberOne = true
   numberTwo = false
   numberThree = false
   fmt.Println("Number one =",numberOne,"nNumber Two =",numberTwo,"nNumber Three =",numberThree)

   // using the if condition to check the
   // first variable is true or not
   if numberOne == true {

   // using the if condition to check the
   // second variable is true or not
   if numberTwo == true {

   // using the if condition to check the
   // third variable is true or not
   if numberThree == true {

   // checking the count is two or not
   if count == 2 {
      fmt.Println("Two of three variables are true.")
   } else {
      fmt.Println("Two of three variables are not true.")


Number one = true
Number Two = false
Number Three = false
Two of three variables are not true.